Next Up: How Letsglitchit Became Web3’s Glitch Art Champion

Over the past decade, Dawnia Darkstone, better known by her artistic alias Letsglitchit, has carved out a pioneering space in the glitch art movement, utilizing a unique, non-coding approach to her craft.

As a leader within the Glitch Artists Collective, Darkstone first emerged as a key figure in the community by sharing her techniques and tutorials on Tumblr. Her work has seen release on leading platforms like SuperRare, Makersplace, and KnownOrigin, and has been exhibited across major global cities like London, Paris, and Tokyo.

In 2023, Darkstone expanded her credentials to include curation, co-curating significant exhibitions like the “Glitch: Beyond Binary” show for Sotheby’s, and a dedicated glitch art exhibition for SuperChiefNFT in Rome.

Every week, nft now’s Next Up showcases a new artist from our curated list of ascendant talents who have been making significant waves throughout web3. This week, our spotlight turns to Letsglitchit.

Credit: Letsglitchit

nft now: How did you first become interested/involved in digital art?

Letsglitchit: My journey into digital art started from a place of necessity. I was involved in a series of accidents and found that the physically demanding nature of my previous work in photography was becoming unmanageable. This led me to discover glitch art, which offered a new, less physically taxing creative outlet. I was immediately captivated by the beauty in broken things and became obsessed with exploring and expanding upon glitch art techniques both digital and analog.

“My art is deeply rooted in the concept of finding beauty in the imperfect and the broken, a principle that extends beyond the aesthetics to the very process of creation.”


How would you describe your art?

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My art is deeply rooted in the concept of finding beauty in the imperfect and the broken, a principle that extends beyond the aesthetics to the very process of creation. It’s characterized by an experimental approach to glitch art, involving a range of techniques from digital manipulation to “chemicalbending,” where harsh chemicals are used to alter physical media like magazines. For the last 9 years, I’ve also incorporated AI into my work, creating my own checkpoints based on my work, I’ll often glitch this output again and run it back through AI, creating a sort of feedback loop of destruction. My art is a testament to the transformative power of technology and the endless possibilities of digital expression.

Credit: Letsglitchit

What’s your process like? And where do you usually find inspiration?

My process is heavily experimental, involving the manipulation of different mediums through glitch art techniques and the use of technology such as AI. Inspiration comes from the act of discovery itself—finding new ways to break and transform materials to uncover beauty in unexpected places. This drive for discovery has led me to experiment with corrupting various mediums, including video games, music, circuitbending, and even physical print media through chemicalbending. The inspiration is often born from a combination of personal challenges, the technological landscape, and the desire to explore and push the boundaries of what’s possible in new media art.

“My process is heavily experimental, involving the manipulation of different mediums through glitch art techniques and the use of technology such as AI.”


What was your breakthrough moment in web3?

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My breakthrough in the web3 space was undoubtedly helping to glitch the Sotheby’s glitch art auction. Sotheby’s curated an all-male glitch art show which was frankly bizarre, there are some absolutely legendary non-dude glitch artists, and they even used Rosa Menkman and her work in their original show write-up to contextualize the show. There was a huge community backlash which eventually led to Dina Chang and I being appointed as co-curators for a new Sotheby’s glitch auction. I was also fortunate enough to have Dina Chang curate my work for the show as well. All of this commotion led to Anonymoux collecting my SuperRare genesis and Cozomo Medici collecting my Sotheby’s piece.

Credit: Letsglitchit

What are the biggest challenges facing rising artists in web3?

For rising artists, navigating the web3 space can be daunting due to its vastness and the rapid pace of technological and cultural shifts. One of the biggest challenges is differentiating oneself in a saturated market while staying true to one’s artistic vision. Another significant challenge is understanding the intricacies of the web3 ecosystem, from blockchain technology to the principles of NFT creation and marketing. Artists often find their job is actually many jobs, this is especially true in web3.

“Take all advice with a grain of salt and remain skeptical of easy success formulas.”


What advice do you have for rising artists in this space?

For artists entering the web3 space, it’s crucial to take all advice with a grain of salt and remain skeptical of easy success formulas. The path to success in web3 is highly individual, and what works for one may not work for another. Engage with the community genuinely without focusing solely on self-promotion. Experiment with your art and be open to exploring new technologies and mediums. Most importantly, remember to have fun and enjoy the creative process, as passion and authenticity resonate most in the web3 space. Cultivating a unique voice and building genuine connections will ultimately be more rewarding than any shortcut to success. And find your friends! It’s so important to have a group of people who have your back.

The post Next Up: How Letsglitchit Became Web3’s Glitch Art Champion appeared first on nft now.

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