Short-term Bitcoin holders began to sell their holdings. Interest in Bitcoin ETFs remained high despite ...

The cryptocurrency market is holding steady at a colossal $2.6 trillion, while Bitcoin is aiming ...

Parallel, a science fiction trading card game with support for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), is coming ...

Web3 clothing company mmERCH, which boasts support from space leaders including Ben Roy and Cozomo ...

Binance, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges, announced that it supports the Neutron (NTRN) network ...

BitMEX founder Arthur Hayes is predicting one new decentralized finance (DeFi) altcoin project will take ...

Powerloom, a pioneering composable data network facilitating protocols to index and query blockchain data in ...

Solana has been dominating the Layer 1 blockchain market for some time now, distinguished by ...

Worldcoin was undervalued but investors need not bid right away. The development activity was encouraging ...

The top global cryptocurrency exchange, OKX, has announced the future inclusion of Wormhole (W) into ...