California’s 8.2 million crypto owners poised to influence 2024 elections – Coinbase

A recent survey conducted by Toluna for Coinbase shows that crypto users in California are poised to significantly influence the state’s political trajectory in the 2024 elections.

With an estimated 27% of California adults, or approximately 8.2 million individuals, owning digital assets, this demographic group represents a substantial and potentially decisive voting bloc.

According to the reporta significant portion of the state’s crypto enthusiasts are young, with 40% falling into the 18 to 34 age range – a generation more attuned to technological advancements and digital financial solutions.

Reform the system

California’s crypto users express a strong desire for reform within the current financial system, which they say favors entrenched interests over the average individual’s ability to build wealth.

The survey shows that a large majority support policy initiatives that encourage disruptive technologies such as blockchain and digital assets, seeing them as crucial to the future of finance and beneficial to societal progress.

The sentiment is expected to translate into political action, with crypto owners likely to favor candidates who advocate for the crypto industry and blockchain technology. These preferences cut across traditional party relationships and emphasize the nonpartisan nature of concerns about technology and financial innovation among voters.

Meanwhile, key players in the crypto industry, including Coinbase, have ramped up political donations ahead of the election in an effort to push for a more supportive landscape for the sector.

Coinbase said the initiative aims to “depoliticize crypto” and promote a more balanced public debate about the benefits and challenges of digital assets.

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Call for regulation

The call for a regulatory environment that both protects consumers and promotes innovation is ringing loudly among California’s crypto community.

Advocates are urging policymakers to promote a framework that encourages local entrepreneurship and positions the United States as a leader in financial technology.

Coinbase’s report highlights the alignment between crypto adoption and core American values, including economic freedom and individual empowerment.

The exchange emphasized its commitment to developing a financial system that expands economic opportunity across the board, while remaining committed to both domestic and global markets.

As the 2024 election cycle approaches, the influence of crypto owners on California’s political landscape illustrates the growing intersection between technology, finance and electoral politics.

The study suggests an increasing recognition among candidates and policymakers of the importance of engaging with the opportunities and challenges of the digital financial sector.

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