Crypto Price Prediction for 2025: Next Altcoin Boom Revealed!

In his latest video, Alexander Lorenzo makes a bold claim: altcoins currently offer some of the most promising opportunities for wealth creation, potentially breaking generational poverty. Lorenzo has carefully analyzed every altcoin cycle in crypto history to predict the next big move and has uncovered some troubling signs.

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Prepare Your Portfolio: Lorenzo’s Analysis

Lorenzo starts by examining the broader altcoin cycle, pointing out how specific trends drive smaller micro-cycles. He notes that some altcoins experience parabolic growth first, with others following later. This approach allows investors to maximize profits by shifting gains from one altcoin to another. Lorenzo emphasizes that for those with limited capital, focusing on these unique opportunities can lead to significant returns.

Historical Cycles: 2017 and 2021

Lorenzo supports his claims with historical data, showing the incredible returns of various altcoins during the 2017 and 2021 cycles. For example, in 2017, altcoins like Dash and XMR saw gains of up to 253,000% in just over 450 days. Similarly, in 2021, coins like HEX surged by 900,000%, turning a $1,000 investment into $9 million.

This evidence reinforces his belief that no other asset class can match crypto’s potential returns.

Here’s How to Get the Timing Right

Lorenzo explores how Bitcoin’s halving cycles relate to altcoin peaks, noting that altcoins often have two major peaks—one after Bitcoin’s first top and another after its second top. This pattern was seen in coins like Gala Games and Shiba Inu.

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However, some altcoins, such as Dogecoin and Rune, performed better during Bitcoin’s first top. Lorenzo attributes these variations to market trends and social media hype.

Active Trading vs. HODLing: What Works Best?

Lorenzo warns against the common practice of “hodling” (holding assets long-term), arguing that many investors lose money by not selling at the right times. He advises taking profits and investing them in tangible assets like real estate, rather than holding onto cryptocurrencies indefinitely. Lorenzo highlights the need for active trading and strategic selling to make the most of the short-lived but explosive gains within the altcoin cycle.

Looking Ahead: The 2025 Altcoin Cycle

Based on his analysis, Lorenzo predicts that the next major altcoin movement will likely occur around January 26, 2025, following Bitcoin’s April 2024 halving. He points out that while the 2021 cycle saw an average increase of 15,446%, the 2017 cycle was four times more lucrative, suggesting a trend of diminishing returns over time. Despite this, Lorenzo remains confident that the 2025 cycle will still offer significant profit opportunities.

Are you ready to become an altcoin millionaire? Or are you sticking to safer investments? Tell us your thoughts!

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